Saturday, March 2, 2019

President Trump and Nebuchadnezzar effect

Nebuchadnezzar was the ruler of the Babylonian Empire around the 6th century BC (605 BC -562 BC).  Although his empire stretched from Egypt to India, he suffered from mental issues for a seven years during his reign.  He ended up acting like an actual animal by only eating grass.  He went crazy for those years, but he regained his mental capabilities and his kingdom (Daniel Chapter 4).

This parallel could be seen in the current President because he seems to be on the verge of losing his marbles.  The Hanoi summit was an absolute debacle as talks were abruptly stopped by President Trump and Kim Jung-Un.  Saying that Kim had no idea that the imprisoned within North Korea are tortured is absolutely senseless.  President Trump has lost his mind.

However, the descent could become more pronounced over the next few months.  Congress continues to run investigations in regards to collusion with the Russian government.  He is being investigated by the Southern District of New York in regards to the misuse of campaign finances.  The Mueller report is almost complete.

On top of all of that, the economy is due for a rude awakening when Brexit is supposed to begin on March 29.  The ramifications of Great Britain leaving the European Union will negatively affect the economy throughout the world.  Also, the US economy is due to default by the end of the year unless the debt ceiling is raised.  However, we all saw what happened in the shutdown fiasco.  Do you really think that he will work out something with Congress this time?

Be prepared for what may happen in the next few months due to the ramifications of what I call the Nebuchadnezzar effect.

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