Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Did the ancestors of Tomi Lahren really discover America?

In a tweet Monday afternoon, Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren claimed that her “ancestors discovered America.”  Did her ancestors really discover America?  Let’s do some quick research on this question because she is implying that America was discovered by Europeans.

From American history books, children are taught that Amerigo Vespucci located the land on an expedition in the early 15th century.  Then, in 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail with the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria to further explore the land.  Both of these expeditions were funded by the country of Portugal.  Every year in October, Americans celebrate Columbus Day in retrospect to this discovery.

However, explorers did not technically discover America because people were living there thousands of years before these two journeys.  People were already there.  If Columbus and Vespucci would have discovered America, then people would not have been there at the time of their explorations.  How could this even be possible?

In the LacusCurtius by Greek historian Diodorus Siculus, he makes a statement in regards to the beginning of civilization.  “When in the beginning the universe came into being, men first came into being, men first came into existence in Egypt…”  This 1st century European historian wrote that all ancestry comes from Africa.  That means that any discovery made had to be made by someone from African descent.

The first world empire was based in Ethiopia.  Since February is Black History Month, I have been reading a book called “Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire” by Drusilla Dunjee Houston.  Their empire was spread throughout the entire globe. “We are accustomed to think of Ethiopia as a restricted country in Africa but this was not true.  The study of ancient maps and the descriptions of the geographers of old, reveals that the ancient land of Cush was a very widespread and powerful empire.”  This old empire stretched from India to Spain.

I gave you two proofs that all world civilizations were discovered by those of African descent and not by those of European descent.  To answer the question, the ancestors that Tomi Lahren claims did not discover America.

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