Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Acquittal of Asia Bibi is upheld

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that the Supreme Court of Pakistan has confirmed the acquittal of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman formally sentenced to death for allegedly committing blasphemy. The decision to confirm the acquittal was announced by a new three judge bench led by Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khosa.

Bibi was accused of committing blasphemy in 2009 and was the only woman in Pakistan’s history to be sentenced to death under the country’s notorious blasphemy laws. In announcing the decision to uphold Bibi’s acquittal, Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khosa said, “Based on merit, this petition is dismissed.”

“Justice and truth has prevailed,” Sajid Christopher, President of Human Friends Organization, told ICC. “Our hats are off to the judges. Asia is completely free now.”

“The review was not a rehearing of the case,” Saif-Ul-Malook, Bibi’s Supreme Court Advocate, told the media after the decision was announced. “The court allowed the review just to make them satisfied that nothing on the record could be turned against the judgement.” 

On October 31, 2018, Pakistan’s Supreme Court announced that they had acquitted Bibi of the blasphemy charges that had kept her on death row for nearly a decade. In explaining its decision, the court said that there was ultimately not enough evidence to convict Bibi.

Following the announcement of the acquittal, thousands of religious hardliners took to the streets in protest. These protesters demanded the court review its decision and not allow Bibi to leave Pakistan until that review had taken place.

Since her acquittal, Bibi has remained in the custody of Pakistani authorities at a secure location inside the country. According to those in contact with Bibi, her conditions at this secure location remain eerily similar to prison. Friends of Bibi’s family explained that Bibi was not even able to open a window in her hideout.

Bibi was on death row since her conviction and death sentence were announced by the Sessions Court in Sheikhupura in 2010. The blasphemy accusation against Bibi was based on flimsy evidence following a dispute that took place in June 2009 between Bibi and a group of Muslim coworkers with whom she had been harvesting berries in Sheikhupura. The Muslim coworkers became angry with Bibi when she, a Christian whom they considered unclean, drank water from the same water bowl as the Muslims. An argument between Bibi and the Muslim women ensued and later the Muslim coworkers reported to a local cleric that Bibi had blasphemed against the Prophet Muhammad.

ICC’s Regional Manager, William Stark, said, “We here at ICC are excited to see that Asia’s acquittal has been upheld. Our prayers now are with Asia and her family as they are in extreme danger until they are safely out of Pakistan. We are also very concerned for the safety of Pakistan’s Christian community at large. Asia’s case remains highly sensitive and the ignition point for many acts of religious hatred. It is our hope that Pakistan’s security forces will be able to protect all Pakistani Christians as extremists will likely seek revenge against their community.”


For interviews, please contact Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator: press@persecution.org
About ICC
International Christian Concern is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) charitable organization focused on human rights, religious freedom and assisting the persecuted Christian Church around the world.

Media Contact
Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator
E-mail: press@persecution.org
Phone: (301)-859-3842

International Christian Concern
2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #941, Washington, D.C. 20006
www.persecution.org | E-mail: icc@persecution.org

Preparing for a second shutdown

Fortunately, the longest shutdown in US government history ended this past Friday.  However, thousands of government workers are not out of the woods as of yet because the US Congress has until February 15, 2019  to create a budget for this year.  However, the glitch in the process is that US President Donald Trump wants some sort of wall or steel barrier along the southern border funded for in the budget.  More than likely, the US Senate will not have enough votes to send a bill through with funding for a wall.

Basically, within three weeks, the country will be under the same duress that was experienced over the past month.  I foresaw this type of collapse happening when President Trump was elected in 2016 because he ran the USFL into the ground over 30 years ago.  However, we now have three weeks to prepare when the US government shuts down once again.  Here are a few things that we can do before February 15.

1. Mourn.  Prepare for the loss of what a future shutdown will bring.  Be even more compassionate for government workers and contractors that live around you that will be furloughed after three weeks because the Trump administration did not show any compassion at all for workers during the shutdown.  You did hear things such as the workers needing to obtain loans until the shutdown was over.  Be ready to help.

2. Look up.  Keep a positive outlook during this uncertain time.

3. Do not be afraid.  This one is easier said than done, but fear must not be an option because fear paralyzes action.

4. Gain understanding.  Comprehend the current events that are going on so that you will be ready to locate alternative resources if a resolution is not reached within three weeks.

5. Remain disciplined.  During times of crisis, there is no leeway for mistakes.  Focus on remaining under control.

6. Be willing to listen to good words.  Listening to good stuff will strengthen you once again.
We have been given three weeks to recharge.  Your preparation for the next 21 days could possibly affect the future of this nation and this world.

It's sort of ironic that the second shutdown would begin the day after Valentine's Day.  After you show love to your significant other, be prepared to show love to your fellow human beings that will be affected after February 15th.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Three weeks is a warning

This past Friday, the US government shutdown ended temporarily for three weeks.  Although everything will be back to normal until February 15, the government can be shut down again if the US Congress does not figure out a budget this year with some type of barrier or wall to be placed along the entire southern border. 

With the way that negotiations have been going so far, thousands of federal workers and contractors will be back out of work or will be working without pay after the three-week deadline expires.  When I heard about this three-week ultimatum made by President Trump, then I immediately thought of this biblical reference from Daniel Chapter 10.

1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, but the time appointed was long: and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision.

2 In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks.

3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.

4 And in the four and twentieth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great river, which is Hiddekel;

5 Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz:

6 His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.

7 And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.

8 Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength.

9 Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground.

10 And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.

11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.

12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.

13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

14 Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.

15 And when he had spoken such words unto me, I set my face toward the ground, and I became dumb.

16 And, behold, one like the similitude of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spake, and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord, by the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I have retained no strength.

17 For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? for as for me, straightway there remained no strength in me, neither is there breath left in me.

18 Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me,

19 And said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.

20 Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come.

21 But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince. (KJV, Text is from sacred-texts.com)

In this chapter, the prophet Daniel was waiting three weeks in order to receive spiritual revelation.  The delay from Daniel receiving the vision was an evil principality from the area of Persia (modern-day Iran).  The correlation with the three weeks is that conflict with Iran will be occurring soon for the USA.  Be prepared.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

BTP released from prison in Indonesia

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on January 24, 2019, the former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, an ethnic Chinese Christian politician, was released from prison after serving nearly two years on blasphemy charges. The former governor, commonly known as “Ahok,” walked free from Mako Brimob detention facility and was welcomed by his son Nicholas Sean.

The former governor was found guilty of blasphemy for a comment he made, quoting the Quran while campaigning for re-election. The verdict raised the question of Indonesia’s claimed freedom of religion and remains a controversial issue ahead of this April’s presidential election.

In a letter to supporters that was shared on Twitter last week, he thanked God for allowing him to lose the gubernatorial election and serve his prison term. If he had won, he believes that he would have only become “more arrogant, ruder” and hurt the feelings of many others.

“I also want to apologize to Ahokers [my supporters], all of Jakarta’s civil servants, even my haters, of all the things that I’ve said and done that have hurt you and your family,” he said.

Urging his supporters to call him by his Indonesian initials “BTP” and not his Hakka nickname “Ahok,” he added, “I am sorry and I hope that you will call me BTP now, not Ahok.”

Jacob F. Lesmana, an ethnic Chinese Christian in Jakarta told ICC, “Ahok really fulfills the criteria of being a leader who can inspire many people both in terms of people of faith and on the secular side. The main reason is that he has a set purpose in life so his vision is clear. He understands his calling and what he lives for. All the principles of his life are guided by the biblical principle of Truth. It takes a lot to build a life like his.”

BTP's lawyer Teguh Samudera said the former governor plans to venture into the oil business next, while also hosting a talk show. He will also fulfill previously arranged speaking engagements in New Zealand, Japan, and Europe.

Gina Goh, ICC’s Regional Manager, said, “While we rejoice at the early release of BTP given a granted remission last December, he should never have been imprisoned in the first place. He was not the only victim of Indonesia’s blasphemy law. He will likely not be the last one either if the Indonesian government continues to yield to radical Islamists’ requests instead of honoring religious freedom for all citizens.”

For interviews, please contact Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator: press@persecution.org
About ICC
International Christian Concern is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) charitable organization focused on human rights, religious freedom and assisting the persecuted Christian Church around the world.

Media Contact
Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator
E-mail: press@persecution.org
Phone: (301)-859-3842

International Christian Concern
2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #941, Washington, D.C. 20006
www.persecution.org | E-mail: icc@persecution.org

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Islamists mob church in Indonesia

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on January 13, 2019, masses from the Griya Martubung Complex, Medan Labuhan Subdistrict in Indonesia’s North Sumatra held a protest against a house that was allegedly converted into a place of worship for Bethel Indonesia Church. In a video obtained by ICC, local residents surrounded Pastor Jans Fransman Saragih's residence as Sunday service was about to commence. They pushed and shouted at church members, before demanding them to shut down.

A member of the church shared the video on Instagram and said, “We didn’t do things that were prohibited. Where is justice in this country? Where is our religious tolerance? God is with us.”

The head of the Medan Ministry of Religion Office, Al Ahyu, confirmed the incident and explained that the residents protested because the house did not have permission to operate as a place of worship, as stipulated by government regulations. Local residents had already filed a complaint last August, but Pastor Jans Fransman did not agree to stop worship at his house until November. He was supposed to halt services once the new year came, but he did not, leading to the January 13 protest.

However, at present, it is extremely difficult for non-Muslims to obtain the proper permits to build places of worship in the predominantly Muslim nation of Indonesia. Christian leaders have called for changes to legislation and complained about the obstacles facing churches that are attempting to obtain a permit.

Nitha Fenita, a Christian broadcaster at Cristy Radio, shared her thoughts with ICC, “This would be a big problem in a country known for its tolerance. I would describe it as a household with two religions and the members often have disputes about their beliefs. If there is no tolerance allowed, the relationship between the two parties would be inversely related [where one increases, another one decreases].  Perhaps the authorities can help manage the issues once or twice, but we have to be aware that this rift will be exploited by other [groups with political] interests which ultimately could divide the Indonesian people. Educating this family on tolerance is a very urgent matter and it needs to be taught now.”

Gina Goh, ICC’s Regional Manager, said, “As the Indonesian presidential election is only three months away, many radicals are seeking the opportunity to incite hatred and religious persecution against Christians during this campaign period. Jakarta must protect the rights of its citizens to freely worship, not only because it is enshrined in its constitution, but also to honor the country’s founding principles of Pancasila, which is to maintain a harmonious Indonesia based on religious tolerance, humanity, unity, democracy, and social justice.”

For interviews, please contact Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator: press@persecution.org
About ICC
International Christian Concern is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) charitable organization focused on human rights, religious freedom and assisting the persecuted Christian Church around the world.

Media Contact
Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator
E-mail: press@persecution.org
Phone: (301)-859-3842

International Christian Concern
2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #941, Washington, D.C. 20006
www.persecution.org | E-mail: icc@persecution.org

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Islamists mob churches in Egypt during Christmas

International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that four churches in different Upper Egypt villages have been targeted by hardline Islamic extremists. In each of these villages, the extremists formed a mob and attacked the churches, which were seeking official recognition. In each of these incidents, the police denied the rights of Christians to publicly worship and closed the churches, according to the demands of the mob.  

On January 7, which is Orthodox Christmas, extremists gathered to demonstrate against the Mar Girgis Church in the village of Manshiyet Zafarana. According to a statement issued by the Archbishopric of al-Minya and Abu Qirqas, “More than 1,000 militants demonstrated against the church, chanting offensive and inflammatory statements in the presence of security forces. [They] asked them to calm down and promised them that they would do whatever they wanted to remove the people (Christians) from the place and close it.”

A mob also formed against a church in the village of Abo Karkas on January 11. The situation echoed earlier incidents in the village of Kafr el-Mansoura on December 27 and the village of Kom Al-Raheb on December 9.

In total, Egyptian authorities have closed four churches within the last four and a half weeks. No formal procedures against the attackers of these churches have begun. Instead, in the village of Manshiyet, the police arrested the church’s priests and transported them to the station in a car used for carrying animals and garbage.

This wave of incidents, coupled with the police response, has greatly alarmed Egypt’s Christian community. Andro, a Christian lawyer, told ICC, “The police behaved by an offensive way. They behaved with the priests as [they would with]… killers. How dare the police cuff the priests! It is a shame on the Copts there.”

Father Sami, a local priest, also shared with ICC, “What happened frightened us. I am a priest and it is possible for the police to cuff me if the extremist neighboring Muslims protest or gathered in front of my church. Things are getting worse, but let us pray to make God keep us in peace.”

“The police behaved as usual,” lamented one local Christian. “The difference is that the situation was shot by a cell phone. The good thing is that the unfairness of the police is recorded now. Maybe we can get our rights.”

The wave of church closures comes just one week after President Fatah al-Sisi presented a new cathedral as a “gift” to Christians. While the new cathedral was welcomed by many, President al-Sisi was also criticized for building a new church in a location where Christians do not live, while other churches languish and close because of heavy restrictions enforced by his government.

“We could build the biggest cathedral in the desert!” Mina, a Christian photographer, told ICC. “Now let us close the churches which are in poor places, where the poor and weak people can pray. The hate has become more direct and clear towards Christians.”

Claire Evans, ICC’s Regional Manager for the Middle East, said, “It is no coincidence that Egypt’s Christians have been so heavily targeted by extremists within the past four weeks. They are often singled out during the celebration of Christian holidays, such as Christmas. These incidents also demonstrate how the police often contribute to the problem by adhering to the mob’s demands, even allowing the mob to rage on with no consequences for their violent actions. President al-Sisi has taken the symbolic step of opening a new cathedral during this time. He must now take action to protect the rights of Christians to worship in other churches.”

For interviews, please contact Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator: press@persecution.org
About ICC
International Christian Concern is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) charitable organization focused on human rights, religious freedom and assisting the persecuted Christian Church around the world.

Media Contact
Olivia Miller, Communications Coordinator
E-mail: press@persecution.org
Phone: (301)-859-3842

International Christian Concern
2020 Pennsylvania Ave. NW #941, Washington, D.C. 20006
www.persecution.org | E-mail: icc@persecution.org

Friday, January 4, 2019

Key to favor for 2019

To be technical, waiting on the Lord brings about increased strength.

“Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and he will strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” (Ps. 27:14).

 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isa. 40:31).

Favor from God comes when a person influences others not to commit transgressions. (I Sam. 2:22-26, Luke 2:40-52) In the I Samuel passage, Eli was berating his sons for committing debauchery in the temple. In contrast, Samuel was a positive influence to the people. In the Luke passage, Jesus already has all power, but did not receive favor from the Father until he taught in the synagogue by being a positive influence.