Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Numerical Expositions: Genesis 2:3

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it:  because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

-- Gen. 2:3 (KJV)

This verse states that God blessed and sanctified one day of rest within each week.  That means that if you want to experience blessings and if you want to set apart from those around you then you will need to rest one day out of the week.  Staying refreshed will give you that extra edge over the rest of the people in the world that overwork.  Overwork eventually leads to burnout.

In this modern era of time, God is now resting until final judgment is doled out in the eighth and final era.  That's why many people believe that there is no God.  They focus upon the here and now instead of looking at all the work that He has done throughout the previous eras of history.  Don't worry.  God will go back to work soon as the new day is approaching.

Numerical Analysis:  The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,3,5.  (2) To be delivered, realize that rest will reinvigorate your life.  (3) To stay in the Spirit, realize that He has set apart one day of rest for each and every week.  (5) To stay in God's presence, rest after completing your work.

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