Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thoughts On Islam Part 1

Have you ever wondered why Muslims keep their beliefs so shrouded in mystery?  That's because if you found out what Muslims really believed, then you would never want to be converted.  That's also why Muslims force-feed their children Islam at such a young age because brainwashing is the only effective way a person will ever become a Muslim.  This post begins a series of what Muslims really believe in.  Here is Part 1.  All of these Islamic rituals are found in the Sahih al-Bukhari Book 1 to Book 3, section 81.

-- Muslims believe that people that do not follow Islam are infidels.  Anyone that is an infidel should be forced into following Islam.  If that person chooses not to follow, then Muslims have the right to kill that person.

-- They actually believe that some people can be saved out of hell.  Nope, that's the same bunk Catholics believe about purgatory.

-- All Muslims are required to participate in the jihad.  All Muslims are commanded to fight against anyone and everyone that does not believe in Islam.  Don't believe the hype about there being moderate Islam and radical Islam.  It's all radical since all Muslims are commanded by Mohammed to be a part of the jihad.

-- All Muslims are required to go to Mecca once in their lifetime.  There's nothing great about Mecca.  There's no need to go.  You can access spiritual power from anywhere on the earth.

--  Muslims believe that most of the people that go to hell are women.  Muslims blame all of their problems on women.  Muslims also oppress women as a preventive measure so that women do not rebel against their husbands.

-- If a Muslim kills another Muslim, then both the murderer and the murder victim would go to hell according to Mohammed.

-- Any Muslim that fights in the jihad will be rewarded with plenty of money and a spot in Paradise.

-- Any Muslim that prays during the month of Ramadan will have all of their sins forgiven.  That sounds like bunk.  I guess nothing happens when they pray the other 11 months.

-- To those that are Black Muslims, recognize that Mohammed was White.  That's why Black Muslims sound so stupid when they attempt to knock Christians for worshipping a "blue-eyed Jesus."  They're a bunch of numbnuts because they don't realize that Mohammed was White as well.  Remember that the schmuck that points a finger at someone else has four fingers pointing back.

-- Services are supposed to be held on Thursday.

--  Another weird reason why Muslims oppress woman because there is a Islamic prophecy that states that the final sign of the end of the world would be that women would outnumber men by a 50 to 1 ratio.  However, if women remain oppressed due to Islamic brainwashing, then they will not be able to reach this doomsday ratio.

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