And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
-- Gen. 3:20 (KJV)
Your calling is in your name. The name that Adam gave to his wife in this verse is Eve. Eve means living or giver of life. This name was given to Eve before she gave birth to her children. This incident shows that the name was given as a precursor to her destiny. She was called the giver of life and became the mother of all living. The design made by God between man and woman is that the woman is the one that gives birth. If there was no God, then women would not be able to give birth to children.
Many people walk around with no purpose because their knucklehead parents gave them a name with no meaning.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 3,2,5. (3) Stay in the Spirit in order to be called by Him. (2) To follow after God's kingdom, look to be productive. (5) To stay in God's rest, look to be productive.