And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
-- Gen. 2:9 (KJV)
The first part of this verse states that God made every tree and that He made every kind of fruit that is produced by trees. Look at that sentence from a logical perspective. If there was no God, then there would not be any trees or any fruit upon the earth. The discussion about tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil will be expounded upon on a later date.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,9. (2) To be delivered, realize that God is the Creator. (9) To overturn evil, eat good food. Eat properly.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Muslims go crazy again in Egypt
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Numerical Expositions: Genesis 2:8
And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
-- Gen. 2:8 (KJV)
This verse states that God created a place upon earth called Eden and that He placed man in the Garden of Eden. Also, this garden was located in the eastern part of Eden.
Many people that attempt to prove that the Bible is not true use this verse as evidence because the Garden of Eden has never been located by archaeologists. However, skeptics only use surface knowledge instead of doing the proper research. Skeptics only look for "Aha" moments instead of searching for the real truth. Skeptics remain comfortable by deluding their own minds.
However, if you do your research on the former place called Eden, then you will see that Eden was an actual location before it was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire. Also, if you read further in the Bible, then there is documentation that Eden was destroyed. (II Kings 19:12, Isaiah 37:12). The place of Eden was known in ancient times as Telassar. The moral of this post is to do your research.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,8,1. (2) To be delivered, allow for God to establish you. (8) To have a new beginning in God, allow for Him to position you wherever you need to be. (1) To follow God, allow for Him to position you wherever you need to be.
-- Gen. 2:8 (KJV)
This verse states that God created a place upon earth called Eden and that He placed man in the Garden of Eden. Also, this garden was located in the eastern part of Eden.
Many people that attempt to prove that the Bible is not true use this verse as evidence because the Garden of Eden has never been located by archaeologists. However, skeptics only use surface knowledge instead of doing the proper research. Skeptics only look for "Aha" moments instead of searching for the real truth. Skeptics remain comfortable by deluding their own minds.
However, if you do your research on the former place called Eden, then you will see that Eden was an actual location before it was destroyed by the Assyrian Empire. Also, if you read further in the Bible, then there is documentation that Eden was destroyed. (II Kings 19:12, Isaiah 37:12). The place of Eden was known in ancient times as Telassar. The moral of this post is to do your research.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,8,1. (2) To be delivered, allow for God to establish you. (8) To have a new beginning in God, allow for Him to position you wherever you need to be. (1) To follow God, allow for Him to position you wherever you need to be.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 2:7
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
-- Gen. 2:7 (KJV)
Every person is formed from dust. When a person dies, then that person's body returns to the dust. If there was no God, then man would not be made out of the dust of this earth.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,7,9. (2) To be delivered, realize that God is the Creator of mankind. (7) To be complete, allow for God to breathe life into your being. (9) To overturn evil, choose to live.
-- Gen. 2:7 (KJV)
Every person is formed from dust. When a person dies, then that person's body returns to the dust. If there was no God, then man would not be made out of the dust of this earth.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,7,9. (2) To be delivered, realize that God is the Creator of mankind. (7) To be complete, allow for God to breathe life into your being. (9) To overturn evil, choose to live.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 2:6
But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
-- Gen. 2:6 (KJV)
Basically, this verse states that all of the plants of the earth received water from underneath the ground. This process is commonly known as irrigation. If God does not exist, then irrigation would not work.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,6,8. (2) Walk in God's kingdom in order to be refreshed by Him. (6) Expose evil in order to be refreshed. (8) Choose to have a new beginning in God in order to be refreshed.
-- Gen. 2:6 (KJV)
Basically, this verse states that all of the plants of the earth received water from underneath the ground. This process is commonly known as irrigation. If God does not exist, then irrigation would not work.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,6,8. (2) Walk in God's kingdom in order to be refreshed by Him. (6) Expose evil in order to be refreshed. (8) Choose to have a new beginning in God in order to be refreshed.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 2:5
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
-- Gen. 2:5 (KJV)
Before there were people upon this earth, plants and herbs covered the land. This fact has been proven to be true as archaeologists are still discovering plant formations that are over 40 million years old all over the world. One of the factors as to why these plant formations have been located is because mankind was not around to destroy any of this ancient vegetation.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,5,7. (2) To be delivered, realize that planting is a process. (5) To stay in God's presence, realize that growth is a process. (7) To be complete, realize that God refreshes and replenishes the earth.
-- Gen. 2:5 (KJV)
Before there were people upon this earth, plants and herbs covered the land. This fact has been proven to be true as archaeologists are still discovering plant formations that are over 40 million years old all over the world. One of the factors as to why these plant formations have been located is because mankind was not around to destroy any of this ancient vegetation.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,5,7. (2) To be delivered, realize that planting is a process. (5) To stay in God's presence, realize that growth is a process. (7) To be complete, realize that God refreshes and replenishes the earth.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 2:4
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.
-- Gen. 2:4 (KJV)
Those who translated the Bible from Hebrew to English did a major injustice when translating the Hebrew word yom into day. The Hebrew word yom means a specific period of time.
If you did not know that fact, then you would read this verse as if the entire universe was created in one 24-hour period. However, the heavens and the earth took billions of years to form. The verse crams billions of years into one day because the first two chapters of Genesis are an extremely quick synopsis of the creation. You must do the diligent research on your own time in order to fully understand the full process of creation.
Notice that from era to era was called generations. That still stands true for today as humanity moves forward from generation to generation. If God did not create the world, then the idea of generations would not exist.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,4,6. (2) Walk in God's kingdom in order to be productive. (4) To stay in God's Word, realize that He created the earth and the heavens. (6) To expose evil, realize that God created the earth and the heavens.
-- Gen. 2:4 (KJV)
Those who translated the Bible from Hebrew to English did a major injustice when translating the Hebrew word yom into day. The Hebrew word yom means a specific period of time.
If you did not know that fact, then you would read this verse as if the entire universe was created in one 24-hour period. However, the heavens and the earth took billions of years to form. The verse crams billions of years into one day because the first two chapters of Genesis are an extremely quick synopsis of the creation. You must do the diligent research on your own time in order to fully understand the full process of creation.
Notice that from era to era was called generations. That still stands true for today as humanity moves forward from generation to generation. If God did not create the world, then the idea of generations would not exist.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,4,6. (2) Walk in God's kingdom in order to be productive. (4) To stay in God's Word, realize that He created the earth and the heavens. (6) To expose evil, realize that God created the earth and the heavens.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 2:3
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
-- Gen. 2:3 (KJV)
This verse states that God blessed and sanctified one day of rest within each week. That means that if you want to experience blessings and if you want to set apart from those around you then you will need to rest one day out of the week. Staying refreshed will give you that extra edge over the rest of the people in the world that overwork. Overwork eventually leads to burnout.
In this modern era of time, God is now resting until final judgment is doled out in the eighth and final era. That's why many people believe that there is no God. They focus upon the here and now instead of looking at all the work that He has done throughout the previous eras of history. Don't worry. God will go back to work soon as the new day is approaching.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,3,5. (2) To be delivered, realize that rest will reinvigorate your life. (3) To stay in the Spirit, realize that He has set apart one day of rest for each and every week. (5) To stay in God's presence, rest after completing your work.
-- Gen. 2:3 (KJV)
This verse states that God blessed and sanctified one day of rest within each week. That means that if you want to experience blessings and if you want to set apart from those around you then you will need to rest one day out of the week. Staying refreshed will give you that extra edge over the rest of the people in the world that overwork. Overwork eventually leads to burnout.
In this modern era of time, God is now resting until final judgment is doled out in the eighth and final era. That's why many people believe that there is no God. They focus upon the here and now instead of looking at all the work that He has done throughout the previous eras of history. Don't worry. God will go back to work soon as the new day is approaching.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,3,5. (2) To be delivered, realize that rest will reinvigorate your life. (3) To stay in the Spirit, realize that He has set apart one day of rest for each and every week. (5) To stay in God's presence, rest after completing your work.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Suicide bombers kill 15 in Lahore
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Four year anniversary of conflict in Syria
International Christian Concern (ICC) marks with sadness the conflict in Syria that today entered its fifth year of conflict. The protests following the detention of 15 children for writing pro-democracy graffiti have resulted in one of the most brutal conflicts in recent history. In the four years since the conflict began, militant Islamic jihadists have streamed into the country fighting not just against the brutality of Bashar al-Assad, but also to establish an Islamic state. As the February abduction of more 250 Assyrian Christians demonstrated again, Syria's Christian community and other ethnic or religious minorities are being explicitly targeted and killed or driven out of the country. In 2014, the conflict in Syria spilled across the border into Iraq. The group known as ISIS, Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham or the Islamic State, extended their control over a wide swath of land across the northern part of Syria into western and central Iraq. The capture of Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, displaced hundreds of thousands more and set the stage for the declaration of an Islamic caliphate. The jihadist group regularly grabbed headlines with their brutal executions of hostages from Western journalists, to captured airline pilots, to Coptic Christians. Their goal, informed by their beliefs about the Islamic end times, has been the establishment of an Islamic state and this requires the subjugation or elimination of those who do not share their beliefs. Their acts have grown to include the removal of not just entire religious and ethnic communities, but the erasure of their history as they've destroyed centuries old historic sites, including churches, monasteries, and libraries. As the international community has wavered in how to confront the jihadist opposition forces, the regime of Bashar al-Assad has been guilty of many atrocities of its own. As of today, 215,518 deaths have been documented, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The actual figure is likely to be much higher, and of those more than 100,000 are civilians, including more than 10,000 children. The ongoing conflict has completely destroyed the infrastructure of the country. As striking satellite images have shown, 83% of the lights have gone out across Syria, since the conflict started in 2011. Nearly 4 million Syrians are registered as refugees in neighboring countries, and an additional 7.6 million internally displaced within the country. 3 million school-aged children are no longer in school as a result of the conflict, an entire generation is growing up displaced from their homes and deprived of future opportunities. The sad reality is that for many of them the feeling is that they will never return. As Safer, who was forced to abandon his seminary studies and flee with his mom and two brothers after his dad was executed, told ICC, "We can't go back to Syria, there is no future for us there." This is the message being received by a Christian community who have been the targets of religiously motivated attacks, including beheadings, executions, rape, kidnapping, and destruction or seizure of homes and churches. These atrocities have been committed by many of the groups that have benefited from support of the "opposition groups." As today the world marked the fourth anniversary of the conflict, and its fifth year began we must consider the cost of what is being lost in Syria. The lands that were the birthplace of Christianity, from where the church first launched, are now witnessing the extermination of nearly all visible presence of Christianity. As we push for an end to the conflict in Syria, we support must be a Syria for all Syrians, including the Christian community and we must ensure the voice of Syria's Christians is clearly heard. Todd Daniels, ICC Regional Manager for the Middle East, said, "It is heart-breaking to witness the continuing devastation as a result of the war in Syria. Entire religious communities are being wiped out. In single attacks, Christian villages and centuries of their history has been destroyed. It is not just the past that is being lost, but the future as well as an entire generation is growing up displaced by this conflict. We strongly support the call for an end to the hostilities in such a way that creates a Syria where all of its citizens - including Christians - are able to freely live and carry out their faith. We urge world leaders to act quickly, and decisively to make this a reality."
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 2:2
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
-- Gen. 2:2 (KJV)
You must find the perfect balance between work and rest. The example given in this verse shows that you must complete what you are doing before you give yourself time to rest. Rest must be earned with accomplishment. Laziness and slothfulness occurs when you rest before you work.
Remember to rest in between assignments designated to you. Even God had to rest. Do not burn yourself out. Do not overwork.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,4. (2) To be delivered, finish what you start. (4) To stay in God's Word, rest.
-- Gen. 2:2 (KJV)
You must find the perfect balance between work and rest. The example given in this verse shows that you must complete what you are doing before you give yourself time to rest. Rest must be earned with accomplishment. Laziness and slothfulness occurs when you rest before you work.
Remember to rest in between assignments designated to you. Even God had to rest. Do not burn yourself out. Do not overwork.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,4. (2) To be delivered, finish what you start. (4) To stay in God's Word, rest.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 2:1
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
-- Gen. 2:1 (KJV)
God completed His creation. If you want to be like God, then you must finish what you start. Do not be a quitter.
Notice also that the creation was completed after man was created. The age of man is the final age. That means that we are living in the last geologic era. Take advantage of the time that you have now because it could end at any moment.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,1,3. (2) To be delivered, finish what you start. (1) To stay in the anointing, finish what you start. (3) To stay in the Spirit, finish what you start.
-- Gen. 2:1 (KJV)
God completed His creation. If you want to be like God, then you must finish what you start. Do not be a quitter.
Notice also that the creation was completed after man was created. The age of man is the final age. That means that we are living in the last geologic era. Take advantage of the time that you have now because it could end at any moment.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 2,1,3. (2) To be delivered, finish what you start. (1) To stay in the anointing, finish what you start. (3) To stay in the Spirit, finish what you start.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 1:31
And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
-- Gen. 1:31 (KJV)
Notice that in the previous verses that "God saw that it was good" after days 1-5. However, God deemed the end of the sixth day as being "very good." What's the difference between the sixth day and the other five days? Well, God completed everything on the sixth day. To become great, you must finish what you start.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 1,4,5,3. (1) To stay in the anointing, focus upon everything that you have made. (4) To stay in God's Word, look up to Him. (5) Stay in God's presence for things to be very good within your life. (3) Stay in the Spirit in order for evil to be exposed.
-- Gen. 1:31 (KJV)
Notice that in the previous verses that "God saw that it was good" after days 1-5. However, God deemed the end of the sixth day as being "very good." What's the difference between the sixth day and the other five days? Well, God completed everything on the sixth day. To become great, you must finish what you start.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 1,4,5,3. (1) To stay in the anointing, focus upon everything that you have made. (4) To stay in God's Word, look up to Him. (5) Stay in God's presence for things to be very good within your life. (3) Stay in the Spirit in order for evil to be exposed.
Friday, March 6, 2015
Search continues for kidnapped American missionary in Nigeria
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How radical Hindus act in India
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Thursday, March 5, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 1:30
And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every herb for meat: and it was so.
-- Gen. 1:30 (KJV)
In this verse, God spake the command that gave animals the capacity to eat food. If there is no God, then animals would not be able to eat. If there is no God, then there would not be any animals left upon the earth because they would all starve since they would not be able to eat. If you are an atheist, then you believe that animals cannot eat food.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 1,3,4. (1) To stay in the anointing, realize that God has authority over the animal kingdom. (3) To follow the Holy Spirit, realize that He has authority over the animal kingdom. (4) To stay in God's Word, realize that He has authority over the animal kingdom.
-- Gen. 1:30 (KJV)
In this verse, God spake the command that gave animals the capacity to eat food. If there is no God, then animals would not be able to eat. If there is no God, then there would not be any animals left upon the earth because they would all starve since they would not be able to eat. If you are an atheist, then you believe that animals cannot eat food.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 1,3,4. (1) To stay in the anointing, realize that God has authority over the animal kingdom. (3) To follow the Holy Spirit, realize that He has authority over the animal kingdom. (4) To stay in God's Word, realize that He has authority over the animal kingdom.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Congress sends letter to new Saudi king
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Murder trial delayed in Pakistan due to Islamic extremists
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Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Numerical Expositions: Genesis 1:29
And God said, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
-- Gen. 1:29 (KJV)
In this verse, God stated that He has given mankind herbs and fruits to consume. If there is no God, then there would not be any herbs or fruit upon the earth.
Anything that has seeds can be used by people for consumption. However, overusage of these items can lead to destruction. Fruit carries the sugar known as fructose. Too much sugar leads to too much fat. Another example is marijuana. Marijuana usage has been banned in most countries because smoking too much pot damages brain cells and does three times as much damage to the lungs in comparison to smoking cigarettes.
However, eating fruit in moderation can cause a person to lose weight. Also, medicinal marijuana in small doses can be used to alleviate chemical imbalances in people. Do things in moderation. I do not smoke marijuana, but I do realize that from this verse that God has made every type of herb and fruit with some sort of benefit when it is consumed.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 1,2,3,9. (1) To walk in the anointing, listen to the voice of God. (2) To be delivered, receive the good things from the earth that God has given to you. (3) To follow the Holy Spirit, realize that He encompasses the earth. (9) Overturn evil in order to grow strong like a tree.
-- Gen. 1:29 (KJV)
In this verse, God stated that He has given mankind herbs and fruits to consume. If there is no God, then there would not be any herbs or fruit upon the earth.
Anything that has seeds can be used by people for consumption. However, overusage of these items can lead to destruction. Fruit carries the sugar known as fructose. Too much sugar leads to too much fat. Another example is marijuana. Marijuana usage has been banned in most countries because smoking too much pot damages brain cells and does three times as much damage to the lungs in comparison to smoking cigarettes.
However, eating fruit in moderation can cause a person to lose weight. Also, medicinal marijuana in small doses can be used to alleviate chemical imbalances in people. Do things in moderation. I do not smoke marijuana, but I do realize that from this verse that God has made every type of herb and fruit with some sort of benefit when it is consumed.
Numerical Analysis: The numerical pattern for this verse is 1,2,3,9. (1) To walk in the anointing, listen to the voice of God. (2) To be delivered, receive the good things from the earth that God has given to you. (3) To follow the Holy Spirit, realize that He encompasses the earth. (9) Overturn evil in order to grow strong like a tree.
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